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Larry The Cat Takes Shelter Under Trump's Limo, Refuses To Move

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 Prior, the feline showed up in a photograph of Trump and Prime Minister Theresa May before 10 Downing St., the head chief's home. 

One monster under another set off a basic occasion in London. 

Larry the Downing Street feline, maybe the most eminent pioneer cat since the Clintons' Socks, stowed away from the downpour under President Donald Trump's vivaciously clad limousine, nicknamed "the Beast," and would not move, NBC essayist Bill Neely said Tuesday on Twitter. 

It wasn't expediently certain whether Larry's quality ended Trump's progression during his broken three-day visit to the United Kingdom. Prior, the feline showed up in a photograph of Trump and Prime Minister Theresa May before 10 Downing St., the pioneer's home.

Post Navi
